Sascha Nockel

Hello, I’m Sascha and I’m reporting here about my academic and professional career, because on my website I don’t have to show my LinkedIn or XING profile anymore. Rather, I would like to report in my own way about the experiences in the various stages of my career.

But most of all, I want to share my thoughts on topics that concern me and perhaps do a small part to bring useful information to the world. Because let’s face it, haven’t we all landed on a like-minded person’s blog at some point in our search for a solution to a problem and been pleased when it helped us? If this also creates a certain entertainment value, then all the better 😄.

The Story so far

Actually, the step to take a profession in computer science was always clear, even if I didn’t really know that myself at least until the end of high school. Here I had my first real computer science course and wrote my first Java code. I also got to know the first UML diagrams and concepts and got a general idea of what you actually do as a “computer scientist” and my enthusiasm was awakened.

After high school, I took a short detour into business informatics at the University of Worms, which was quite interesting, but not quite what I had in mind. After one semester, I therefore changed to the general study program “Computer Science” at the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences in March 2017.

In my main studies, I focused on courses that touched on areas that have always interested me the most. These included the courses “Application Containers and Docker” or “Network Security” and “Secure Software Development”. So without knowing it specifically, I was already moving in the “DevOps” area.

bitExpert (2019-09 to 2022-03)

During my studies there were many practical parts, which was the reason why I wanted to study at a university of applied sciences, part of which was to complete an internship semester in a company active in IT. My decision fell on the Mannheim company bitExpert, which I had already gotten to know during the project semester. In the simulated project bitExpert was the “customer” and let us work on a prototype for a real project. Since the opportunity arose to continue working with a fellow student on this very project during the practical semester, the choice was not difficult for me. The internship was followed by a job as a working student in software development.

Since I liked the way of working and the company culture, I ended up writing my bachelor thesis titled “Distributed Monitoring in Cloud-Native Environments - Analysis and Integration” at bitExpert. The bachelor thesis was my first purposeful step towards the role of a DevOps Engineer and I never regretted it. In this role and also during my bachelor’s semester I was able to gain first experiences with cloud-native technologies like Nomad as an alternative to Kubernetes and a generally open-source oriented technology stack in the company.

I continued to work in this role after graduation and was able to contribute to various projects as well as gain experience in operating mission-critical systems in the cloud as part of the operations team. At bitExpert, I was able to gain a good insight into how work in the project business is done in software development. The work was always varied and exciting, but I was still drawn more towards product development.

zeitsprung (since 2022-04)

At one of the companies that is significantly driving digitalization in the insurance industry, I saw great potential for my personal development, but also for exciting new tasks and problems to overcome.

At zeitsprung I am now involved in the development of the products, ensure the smooth operation of the systems and look forward to the tasks that lie ahead of me.

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